The Whole Shebang

Monday, February 28, 2005

The torch bearer and the guitar music

Why hello there. Guess what? It is March Break. The week better known as "Lazy week". *sigh* Yes, my plans consist of laying around and doing absolutly nothing!!! In my midst of doing nothing, I've been drinking tea, and sitting around listening to what I like to call "mellow guitar" music. Such as

Your Winter____Sister Hazel
The weakness in me____Joan Armatrading
Sounds of Silence___Simon and Garfunkel

Those are a few examples. I love them each. Now inbetween my "spiritual cleansing" songs, a little voice calles out to me and says:


Good old torch bearer

Friday, February 25, 2005

In a second

In second
I am lonely
I am forgotten
I am upset
I am confused
I cry tears of sorrow
A smile does not touch my face
I lay awake at night
Warmth of my pillow swallows my face
Like a shallow pool
My body is tucked in tight
By the blanket that lays a-top me
I whisper to the dark
The events that have happened to me at late

In a second
I am loved
I am wanted
I am smiling
Tears of another emotion
Flow down my face
The simple touch
The warmth
The world seems right now
Forever is nowI can finally breathe
I smile
Hold me tight
Trace my face
Tell me without words
And yet,

In this second,
I'm trying my best to be brave
To be strong
To remember what I vowed not to feel
I've seen what it does to other people
Even those around me have no doubt
I don't want to be hurt
Because in a second I could be

In a second
I'll ask you
I don't know what you'll say
Then when I ask you
Are you sureI know that you'll say
I'll still ask myself
From time to time
If what your feeling is real
Yet I find myself beleiving you
This second
Is it real?
I can't finish it...

Monday, February 21, 2005

My phase of music

Music is a remaracable thing. Hypnotic and addictive is what it is! Recently, today more specifically, I had three tunes continuously.

"I'm all out of love"-Air Supply
This is odd since I'm certainly not "all out of love" at all.
"Baby, I love your way"- Bob Marly
I'm ashamed of myself for liking a remake of a song over
it's orginal but...forgive me this once alright?
I'm learning to play it on the guitar. Amazing song. Need I say more...?

Saturday, February 19, 2005


Wednesday, February 16, 2005


I finally got an audioscrobbler...Don't ask me what the point is...i a sheep...baaahhh...nono just kidding around. I use other people's audio scrobbler's to download songs.

Ch-ch-ch-ch-check it out...

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Valentines Day....hmm...

Now...I really don't beleive in Valentine's day. It's another commercial holiday made as an excuse for couples to go out and spend their money, and for the rest of the general population, to feel absolutly depressed. Sad isn't it? And yet, yesterday I found myself "celebrating it". It wasn't accually that bad, considering that I felt like a complete hypocrite. I enjoyed it over all. Movie, a nice walk downtown and a nap on the metro (my apologies Kyle :$)The company was exceptional and then weather was fine (lol...snow is good) so over all my valentine's day was quite good. YAY!


It has come to my attention that a few of you have taken it upon yourself to be "internet ghosts" and read my blog without commenting. For those of you that think that think this is acceptable...think again! *sniff* I feel so used!!!

Saturday, February 12, 2005

Sing loud!

Satuday was a day of eating pancakes, belting out a beautiful tune on my kareoke machine at a restauraunt, playing DDR and of course singing in a church choir. Oh, the simple the things in life that we take for granted...After eating a pancake stuffed with more fruits and custard then a fruit salad I got up and sang at the top of my lungs "You are so Beautiful" with good old cassie singing back up (Me: you are so beautiful to me..." Cassie: "Yes, oh, yes, to me!"). This was later followed by a startling round of applause which was more directed at the effort then the product. Finally, when it was time to leave, my hand was pulled unexcpetedly by Sasha who, without hesitation said "We're going to play DDR!!!" I thought to myself "*Gasp* Can it be possible? someone who is more obssesed then me?" Apperently so. However, this did not keep me from beating her at a few hard earned levels. (*victory laugh*). When we'd accually gotten into the theater, Cassie, Sasha and I were contemplating what the movie "Hitch" would be like, as well as brainstormed why three twenty year old guys who were sitting only three seats away, were watching this movie by theirselves. The ideas were imaginative as well as highly possible. Once the movie started, we were suprised to see that there were commercials playing behind the previews. What was just a simple glitch in the film, became incredibly annoying! At first I thought they were subliminal messages. The movie was funny. Very funny. I enjoyed it quite a bit. 3 and a half stars. I'd see it again. Then, when all of Miki's party guests had left except for myself and Cassie we went to church. Since Miki is in the choir, Cassie and I forced ourselves to sit in the back row with only one younger boy, who we thought was sitting there because he was shy. Not so! Obvioustly he was sitting there because he had a little to much enthusiasm. Before every song he would whip open his little blue duotang and point enthusiastically at the title, smile and say "this one next! this one next!" About a hundered times until Cassie and I flipped our song books open onto the page. We laughed about it later. And yet...this little boy was nothing compared to the choir teacher. A little Russian women with a heavy accent, and a seemingly cheery disposition. That is...until 5 minuted before mass started. She stood in the front of these some 15 odd children ranging from the afes of 7 to 16, gripped the front pew and glared at all the children. "You may go to the bathroom. I give you 3 minutes. When you come back, we sing and..." she turned around and was about to hobble over to her piano when she swivled her head to stare at her choir, and muttered under her breath but so every one of them could hear "SING LOUD!" Not a child moved, except for Cassie and myself who were in the back pew, heads in out hands, shaking because we were laughing so hard. Good thing she didn't see us. For when she said "You may go." Ever kid got up and sprinted towards the bathroom leaving Cassie and I to our laugh attacks. We wondered if any of those kids would be back...

The Bedtime Story (part 1)

Once upon a time, there lived a lonely princess, who from childhood had thought she was romised a prince charming. For years, her tender heart watched as all of her good friends recieved there share of love, while her heart remained untouched. Then one day she met a sorcerer who cast a spell on her, making her fall in love with him. Though she wished nothing to do with him, for some reason she found herself pulled in his direction. As time passed, her heart did not shatter, nor did it break, however, it created a hard shell that incompassed her feelings. The sorcerer passed on, but the shell remained. Finally, she thought she`d met her prince. He was everything that she believed she needed to break the shell and make her happy ending. He, however had his princess and his happy ending, thus making the princess fall into a pit of despair as her heart became more and more of a prison. The princess then vowed that she would never again look at another man again for fear of either breaking her heart or again surrounding it with another layer. A long while passed as the princess moved on with her life still remembering her vow, until one day a brave knight came by. The princess had never met anyone like him before and as much as she was intruged by his kind and generous spirit, she could not allow herself to be free from her promise. Scared, the princess tried to run away and find protection. While trying to find protection she came upon the man whom she was trying to run away from. It was only there that she found true protection from the only thing that she was truly trying to runaway from...herself...

Friday, February 11, 2005

Party opportunities with guitars

They say that when opportunity knocks you should seize it. Well...seeing a three stringed guitar in my cousin`s bedroom this afternoon did not look like an opporunity but it sure as hell looked like fun which is what I had. First making up a slightly addictive tune with somewhat twisted lyrics, which ventured on to being my cousin`s birthday song (lyrics re-written of course) . Slow and calm, and having the potential to being a very insperational and soulful song, it has become my night. Of course I cannot give all the credit to myself! Cassie helped quite a bit in the song writting department as I was to busy concentrating on getting the notes right and not forgetting the strumming pattern. She also was the lead singer ( as well as lead dancer when she forgot the lines). *sigh* Dear Cassie...what would we do without your sense of humour, sweet little laugh and unforgettable quotes (Your so hurtful!) ?

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Coming Together

I don't know how to explain it but I am going to try my best...

Have you ever been so surprised that you have accually gone speechless and even when you try and speak you can't because you are either so surprised so gratful or so...happy that you can't even begin to express yourself??? I was in this situation twice this week...I am still shook. Still taken a back. Still very much...happy. Media class, Resevoir Dogs and Sci. Fi. have never come together all at once to create something this wonderful.

Despite my happiness, I am filled with fright and anxiousess. My mind races with questions, such as: what if? are you sure? why? when? blah, blah, blah...Though I know that as much as I would kill for the answers to these questions, they cannot all be answered...I must learn to trust well as those select few around me as well

Life moves on, coming together slowly and making my life more and more enjoyable. Hope this lasts!

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

when your bored

ok...I know what your thinking. I'm bored! Even if your not...check out the link

For the record...yes...I am aware that the site's name is ironic!

Monday, February 07, 2005

Hot Chocolate is awsome

Yesterday I learned a few things are very important:

Firstly, don't take things for granted! A simple bus ride/walk can be one of the best things that one can experience.

Second, hot chocolate is the most awsome drink in the entire world (though I knew that before yesterday)

Third, if you go to bed smiling, when you wake up and all through the next day you will be smiling.

Saturday, February 05, 2005

Brown Squirrel

After attending the leadership conference "MEGA DAY" yesterday I bought a book called "Back Pocket Power" by Stu Saunders. Great little book, that can accually fit in a regualr sized pocket. So this morning after eating breakfast and what not, I picked it up for a little read.

After teaching my brother the "brown squirrel cheer" I realized that not only is it the most retarded thing I've ever taught him, but it is perhaps one of the funnest things I've ever taught him.

"Brown squirrel, Brown squirrel
Shake your bushy tail
Brown squirrel, Brown squirrel
Shake your bushy tail
Take a peanut in your paw

Watching him "shake his tail" and "shove paenuts up his nose" has to be the funniest thing I've ever taught him!

God, Death and Soap Operas

Excuse the fact that this blog has become somewhat something of a release but recently a tragedy has come in my life making me wonder a little about death and God. First of all I'm going to explain one thing. I was born and raised as a catholic. For awhile I became convinced that this was really not for me. Now I have become certain that this is what I am. But after a death, I find it hard to keep up my faith, or beleive what it says!

It's wierd you know...sometimes I find that I'm captured in a a soap opera! I hate it, most especially because i hate soap operas! I can never get into them. The feeling of being thrust into one seems rediculous!!! (excuse the spelling)


Thursday, February 03, 2005

God is the monks' money!

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Check it Out!!!

By total and utter coincidence I dropped in on the most awsome site ever.

I was having so much fun with it. Maybe a littel to much fun...

Tuesday, February 01, 2005


There is nothing more thrilling then skiing down a mountain for the first time in your life, after you've just got the hang of it before flying (literally!) in to a bush. Then to add the cherry on top of the cake have your mom ski next to you and begin to laugh histeriaclly at your blunder. In all seriousness though, I learned how to ski on Saturday, and I accually loved it. It was incredible. I have to apoligize to Seb, since he tried to tell me that skiing wasnt as great as snowboarding. He was very right.