The Whole Shebang

Friday, February 11, 2005

Party opportunities with guitars

They say that when opportunity knocks you should seize it. Well...seeing a three stringed guitar in my cousin`s bedroom this afternoon did not look like an opporunity but it sure as hell looked like fun which is what I had. First making up a slightly addictive tune with somewhat twisted lyrics, which ventured on to being my cousin`s birthday song (lyrics re-written of course) . Slow and calm, and having the potential to being a very insperational and soulful song, it has become my night. Of course I cannot give all the credit to myself! Cassie helped quite a bit in the song writting department as I was to busy concentrating on getting the notes right and not forgetting the strumming pattern. She also was the lead singer ( as well as lead dancer when she forgot the lines). *sigh* Dear Cassie...what would we do without your sense of humour, sweet little laugh and unforgettable quotes (Your so hurtful!) ?


Blogger Nat said...

Ya, this was an awesome evening. This was the debut of nat`s and my new band...canasstie. I think it has a hot ring to it. so y...canasstie...sounds like....can that is so lame. wtv, -c

8:48 PM  
Blogger Kyle said...

Hey Nat, I responded to your E-mail, you might want to read it, also, congats on the new band, although, it's no "Chanting Monks"



10:58 PM  

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