The Whole Shebang

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Valentines Day....hmm...

Now...I really don't beleive in Valentine's day. It's another commercial holiday made as an excuse for couples to go out and spend their money, and for the rest of the general population, to feel absolutly depressed. Sad isn't it? And yet, yesterday I found myself "celebrating it". It wasn't accually that bad, considering that I felt like a complete hypocrite. I enjoyed it over all. Movie, a nice walk downtown and a nap on the metro (my apologies Kyle :$)The company was exceptional and then weather was fine (lol...snow is good) so over all my valentine's day was quite good. YAY!


Blogger Kyle said...

Well my dear, it would seem that you're hypocrisy knows no bounds ;p

I am very glad you enjoyed yourself, and do not worry about the sleeping, I sorta napped too, I woke up just before Villa-Maria got some odd stares from the 6 people that were on the metro with us, oh well.

10:35 PM  

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