Sing loud!
Satuday was a day of eating pancakes, belting out a beautiful tune on my kareoke machine at a restauraunt, playing DDR and of course singing in a church choir. Oh, the simple the things in life that we take for granted...After eating a pancake stuffed with more fruits and custard then a fruit salad I got up and sang at the top of my lungs "You are so Beautiful" with good old cassie singing back up (Me: you are so beautiful to me..." Cassie: "Yes, oh, yes, to me!"). This was later followed by a startling round of applause which was more directed at the effort then the product. Finally, when it was time to leave, my hand was pulled unexcpetedly by Sasha who, without hesitation said "We're going to play DDR!!!" I thought to myself "*Gasp* Can it be possible? someone who is more obssesed then me?" Apperently so. However, this did not keep me from beating her at a few hard earned levels. (*victory laugh*). When we'd accually gotten into the theater, Cassie, Sasha and I were contemplating what the movie "Hitch" would be like, as well as brainstormed why three twenty year old guys who were sitting only three seats away, were watching this movie by theirselves. The ideas were imaginative as well as highly possible. Once the movie started, we were suprised to see that there were commercials playing behind the previews. What was just a simple glitch in the film, became incredibly annoying! At first I thought they were subliminal messages. The movie was funny. Very funny. I enjoyed it quite a bit. 3 and a half stars. I'd see it again. Then, when all of Miki's party guests had left except for myself and Cassie we went to church. Since Miki is in the choir, Cassie and I forced ourselves to sit in the back row with only one younger boy, who we thought was sitting there because he was shy. Not so! Obvioustly he was sitting there because he had a little to much enthusiasm. Before every song he would whip open his little blue duotang and point enthusiastically at the title, smile and say "this one next! this one next!" About a hundered times until Cassie and I flipped our song books open onto the page. We laughed about it later. And yet...this little boy was nothing compared to the choir teacher. A little Russian women with a heavy accent, and a seemingly cheery disposition. That is...until 5 minuted before mass started. She stood in the front of these some 15 odd children ranging from the afes of 7 to 16, gripped the front pew and glared at all the children. "You may go to the bathroom. I give you 3 minutes. When you come back, we sing and..." she turned around and was about to hobble over to her piano when she swivled her head to stare at her choir, and muttered under her breath but so every one of them could hear "SING LOUD!" Not a child moved, except for Cassie and myself who were in the back pew, heads in out hands, shaking because we were laughing so hard. Good thing she didn't see us. For when she said "You may go." Ever kid got up and sprinted towards the bathroom leaving Cassie and I to our laugh attacks. We wondered if any of those kids would be back...
In mother Russia, pew grabs you!
least boring mass ever.
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