The Whole Shebang

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

owned by the chickmunks

Over the holidays, though I indeed sit on my ass for the most part it was not a complete waste of time. I downloaded the most annoying/fun/amusing.anything-else-you-want-to-call-'em songs. Those and of course the oldies that I find on a soundtrack or a movie that I happen to be watching (once again...sitting on my ass the whole holiday). This has proved to be a very interesting situation. I'll be listening to song that's bringing tears to my eyes and as it's slowly fading away I reach up to wipe away a tear and poke myself in the eye out of surprise when a high pitched 40 male voice screams out "HEY WHITCH DOCTOR...GIVE US THE MAGIC WORDS!!!!" Don't get me wrong. I love witch doctor as much as the next person, but the fate of the button shuffle on itunes has made it difficult. As I'm talking about witch doctor I may as well tell the story of how I was owned by the chickmunks over the break. Kayla and I were looking up the words to witch doctor. The only resource was by the chickmunks and after a good listening to...what I thought was:

"You can keep your love for me just like you were a miser,
and I'll go out and cook me a hairy smore
So I went out to find a guy that's so much wiser
and he told me that you are a whore!"

Ended up being:

"You can keep your love for me just like you were a miser
And I'll admitt it wasn't very smart
So I went out to find a guy that's so much wiser
And he told me the way to win your heart!"

Now to update to more present times. Today dear old ying-é called me crazy. I think...It was hard to tell through all the odd hand gestures and movement. All I remember is turning around, after Ying laughed over his witty comeback to my "retarded" science fair idea, and watching Pat do an instant replay of the moment. Very amusing. Not at all what I was expecting but definitly a highlight of the day. I have to admit that I can't remember what it was exactly that he did but I would love to reacount what had happened. Just thinking about it...tickles me...

*giggles uncontrolably*


Blogger James said...

I can't believe I missed that!

3:05 PM  
Blogger Nat said...

I happened right in front of you....lmao

12:14 PM  
Blogger James said...

I honestly do not remember any wacky hand gestures. I remember hearing you propose a few ideas, but that's about it. Maybe this was all going on behind me.

5:35 PM  
Blogger Nat said...

or beside you.....lmao

10:49 PM  

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