The Whole Shebang

Monday, December 13, 2004

X mas is almost why am I singing the Hannuka Song

I am not Jewish. Despite Jono's relentless taunts, I am not. Though I am continuing with the tradition of belting out Christmas songs wherever I go, I can't help but sing Adam Sandler's funky little song for all those "nice little jews kids". It's so great though. Who else could come up with 12 different words that rhyme with Hannuka? "Marjuanika?" LMAO...classic...Anyway...this phase will soon leave and "jingle Bell Rock" will re enter my mind.

After watching Van Helsing I re-realized a few things

1. If your going to make a low budget movie...don't try and hide the fact through cartoonish villains

2. Vampires are NOT the sexist mythical creatures in all of history...(at least not in this movie)

3. To make the hero cry...the chick has to die!

4. Mr. Hyde was a fat ass!

5. Friar's can have sex (who would have thought)

6.Frankenstein, although free at the end....well....i hope you know that he's never going to make it alive in the world like far is he gonna get on that raft anyway?

7. The object here is to carry as many weapons as possible using as few as you can...clever no?

8. People in trenchcoats can do anything (Neo, Van Helsing, etc.)

9. Don't fuck with the hat man!!!

10. I feel guilty when I critisize those kind of movies...I was pretty good for a movie that was ade with as little as 5 million dollars.


Blogger James said...

Van Helsing was one of the biggest-budget summer popcorn movies to come out in a long time... Their budget was around 160 million. I think 5 million would've only netted them the hat. It sure had all the markings of a direct-to-video B-movie made at a fraction of the cose, though, didn't it?

And yes, I agree, the Hannukah song is great.

8:17 PM  

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