Excorist Bunnies
Ok, so here is the deal...my dear friend Casey sent me a link a few months ago to something that she, and I quote, thought was "The most fucking hilarious thing that she's seen in a very long time." Now it's not that I didn't beleive her. On the contrary, I wanted to watch it. Only problem was at the time, I was to busy. So I put it in my favorites, to watch it at a later date. lol. That later date happened to be today. I feel like crap that I havn't watched it already cause I totally agree with Casey. I don't care what anyone else thinks, this is so funny.
Basically it's a reinactment of the exorcist with bunnies. Yes, little bunnies. Cartoon of course but never the less funny as hell. And it doesn't matter if you've never seen the exorsist. It's still so good. In fact I would go so far as to say that its up there with "The End of the World" (though not quite because that shit is in a class of it's own) and "Milk and Cereal" (asian version).
P.S. "Sometimes...."
P.S.S. If you havn't seen any of the above stuff....do....lol
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