The Whole Shebang

Friday, October 22, 2004

Bumper Cars!

Today I spent the day at an amusment park. It's amazing what you can learn at La Ronde, by just listening to other people talk, observing them or even just reading the graffetti on the walls. For example, today we went to the bumper cars after an unfortinute event made us all back away from the roller coasters and after sitting down in my bumper car I looked around...(acually its more of a chair since it's a one person thing) everyone was sitting in these chairs, antispating when the worker would flick on the power and let us glide. After a quick check around to check that all seat belts were on, he flicked on the switch. Everyone's firts though was " how do I get this thing under control?" It didn't take long for everyone to figure it out and soon enough we were all pushing, shoving, bumping and knocking each other around. And although such violent actions were being portraied I doubt very much that anyone there was having a horrible time. You could ram yourself fullspeed intoa stranger and you then would stop, have a good laugh....just before someone could bang into you full force on the side. Bumper cars. Mayeb Osmama and Bush should get into bumper cars and ram into each other a few times...see what that brings. What was that? More war you say? No, no of course not...accually....i beleive we would have to strangers acting as brothers. This is the personal effect that I get from playing these games


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