Don Qui-Shut?
Today's play, I must say, was an improvment on all those that I've had to see in all of my years in highschool (including the one about the pirates who sail to an island where everyone has red noses *gasp* what devil worship is this?). L'homme de la Mancha is about the guy who wrote Don Chihotte. (excuse the spelling...but yuo got the gist) Basically the general plot line is about a man who is thrown in prison and tells the story about a man who is crazy. He thinks he's a knight and thinks an inn is a castle and a prostitute is a princess. *sigh* The makings of a Disney movie don't you think? Anyway, the man continues to tell the story to the other people he's in prison with, casting all of them as people in his story. As he drifts in and out of the story he is telling, you sort of wonder what the moral is after awhile. Finally at the end of the play within the play, the man is no longer crazy, then at the sight of the princess prostitute he is suddenly crazy again. I'm still trying to figure out if this is a happy ending or not. At any rate, it was a musical, and that's about the only thing I enjoyed.
Another major plus of my day, was my dear friend James who brought my, Baby got Back in different accents idea, to life. From Arnold Shwartsanager, to a Japenese Accent, to Donald Duck, he made me laugh so hard*. I accually laughed out loud on the bus to myself at the mere idea of him doing Donald Duck.
*In future I hope to have recordings of James singing this song in different accents!
Soon! It's been kind of hard to sit down and do it, what with all the Thanksgiving guests staring at me.
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