The Devil, the straw and the shadow puppets
To prove to my dear friend James, that you can write about anything that's happened to you in a day I'm going to describe my day with an exaggerated amount of detail.
*Clears throut with such force a glass of water is needed*
*Gets up to go get a glass of water*
*Sits down comfortably*
*Tells people on msn to STFU!*
*Cracks neck*
*Cracks knuckles*
*Begins to type the first sentence*
I woke up this morning with a horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach. Christmas vaction is over. Long gone and a thing of the past. Rolling out of bed (which wasn't a good idea as my bed is at least 5 feet of the floor) and getting changed in the dark was a pain in the ass since of course the sun only rises at about 7:30 am. Going to weight training was not so bad though. I made fun of Brad Pitt and Jenniffer Aniston with my weight training supervisor "Mr. Cinna-bunn".
Then at roughly 8 am I trudged up to English class which consisted of group descustions on our novels that we are presently "reading". Not to be critical but The Life of Pi is not the most exciting book in the entire world. Of course since my English mark did depend on the descusion and response to a number of questions I was reading to"discuss". All in all it was a pretty amusing class. With comments like "The theme is water!" and "He stole the police man's cookies in the end!" it wasn't boring at all. Finally we were in the midst of describing the main characters. This wasn't the easiest feat. Luckly our group had Mark to interpret what we were saying.
Kid: He didn't let himself get eatin' by a tiger!
Mark: He persavered.
Kid: He was brown!
Mark: The character was relatable.
Next was media. My friends And I amused ourselves by making shadow puppets and telling our teacher that we'd shoot her to put her out of her missary (she pulled her back....having sex to me and kayla's belief) to which she gladly accepted.
Gym was interesting My gym teacher made up a new game which was unfortinutly never played. *HAWB. Instead I nice, pleasent game of....DODGEBALL. Not to complain, I mean I love gym as much as the next fellow, but...when you play with my class you are always on your toes. Being the last left in a box was hard enough, but when the ball hit me in the ass finally, I pulled an ass muscle! no joke!
Lunch. Now lunch is never boring. I mean if you enjoy watching someone crunching a soda can in a neighbor's ear, a straw hanging out of a person's mouth (as well as watch it roll around between their lips as while he person is talking to you, as though it were a piece of food "left their for later") and of course the singing. Then my lunch table is perfect for you. I mean, this all happens between three people. There are the other twelve close friends who talk about everything from: The new kid to the teacher, from politics to religion, from my ass is so freakin' huge to naw look at mine. It's great. It's an awsome atmosphere.
Math. My new **VP comes to announce to us two things :
1.He's changed around the way DTs are going about.
2. I'll never know as I guess he doesn't count very well so he left without ever telling us what the second was.
This was my day. May your days be as eventful as mine!
*(Hit Andrei With the Ball)
** I was later informed that my VP is the devil. This is due to his flaming red hair and his gotee (so say the grade 8 kids)
Well, I guess there is always something to write about. Bravo!
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