I'm in the mood for fast food. A really gross, deep fried hamburger with a massive pile of french fries and a nice pint of beer! You know those moods that you get in. A sort of a mellow mood and your really not sure why your in that rut. Or maybe you do know. Either way. You end up getting in a rut that, for a lack of a better term, can be catogorized as either "sadness/depression" or a type of despair. I'm leaning towards the latter. Mix in a little stress too. I think it's the extra hormones running through my system, the caffiene pills and the 14 hour days and the partying after. I can see you now..."Don't give me that Nat. If you didn't want to party you wouldn't!" This is untrue. November is notorious for birthdays. With friends and family I have obligations. Partying for birthdays is one of them! It's gotten to the point where I don't even really have a lot of fun either. Not to mention I've run so low on cash that I'm accually clinging to pennies.
Tomarrow I'm going to visit my high school. I havn't been in awhile and I'm accually starting to miss some people alot. I really didn't think I'd miss Marymount at all. I wanted to get out of there so badly. I looove cegep. I love the people. And to be honest I hardly ever look back at my days in high school. But when I do I get nestalgic and sometimes want to go back a little. I'm glad I've still managed to keep a tight group of my good high school friends. We go out, hang out and still have fun together. More importantly we've grown together. I just want to see the place where it all got started. I figure since tomarrow is Kayla's birthday (YAY!) and it's my one day off this week, I may as well go ahead and take the opportunity to see the building and see a couple of teachers.
Woah is me for rambling about nothing in particular.
I went through old vhs' a week ago or so and found the maltese coconut. I chuckled at how amateur we were and realized that I now have means to blackmail Seb, let the good times roll.
i love how little everyone looks:)
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