I'm my sister's brother! You're in love with me! me!!!
Before I accually get on with this post, I want to apoligize and put in another amazing part from an arrested development episode...
Wife: I'm in love with your brother in law.
Gob: You're in love with you're own brother? The one in the army???
W: No. Your sister's huband.
G: Micheal???....Micheal!!!
W: No! That's your sister's brother...
G: I'm my sister's brother. You're in love with me. ME!
W: I'm in love with Tobias
G: My brother in law?
W: I know it can never be so I'm leaving and I'm enlisting in the army
G:To be with your brother??
W: NO!
Lmao...gets me every time.
Ok...now that that's taken care of I'm wonder what exactly should write about. There isn't much to say, and to tell the honest truth, I am a bit tired of typing as I've just finished working extremly hard on my science fair project; Subliminal messages.
What inspired this project has no relevance at this point in time, however I will say that it started off as a very frightening project. I mean...listening to Britney Spears and her very desturbing subliminal message kept me awake for quite a bit the night I'd first heard it. Then of course, there was the problem with the "guinea pigs". The experiment (which was creating a "home made" subliminal message) didn't reach the expectation of my partner and I. To this...I shrug my shoulders, cock my head, raise my eye brows and say "Meh!"
Once again, my science teacher has proved himself to be...a prick (Inside joke reference: I knew Gandi! He was a prick!) Thus, making my life a hell of a lot harder then it is already. Expecting our science fair project, 2-3 assingments that are impossible and three pages long each, along with a test and a quiz and a lab packed in a week, makes me wonder what drugs he's on. He did tell me once, I completly forgot what they all were though.
My glasses have been a subject of conversation. I don't wish to dwell on the topic, except that I feel like my field of vision has been reduced to...well...very little...At some point during the day, I was thinking to myself "What would it be like if I got those huge sixties style glasses. Then there would be no difference!"