The Whole Shebang

Saturday, October 23, 2004

Dancing in the moonlight
Wearing my rainbow shoes
Eating dried up broccoli
And Singing old time blues

Talking on a banana phone
Drinking maple tea
Listening to the the Beatles
Conversing with a bee

Friday, October 22, 2004

Bumper Cars!

Today I spent the day at an amusment park. It's amazing what you can learn at La Ronde, by just listening to other people talk, observing them or even just reading the graffetti on the walls. For example, today we went to the bumper cars after an unfortinute event made us all back away from the roller coasters and after sitting down in my bumper car I looked around...(acually its more of a chair since it's a one person thing) everyone was sitting in these chairs, antispating when the worker would flick on the power and let us glide. After a quick check around to check that all seat belts were on, he flicked on the switch. Everyone's firts though was " how do I get this thing under control?" It didn't take long for everyone to figure it out and soon enough we were all pushing, shoving, bumping and knocking each other around. And although such violent actions were being portraied I doubt very much that anyone there was having a horrible time. You could ram yourself fullspeed intoa stranger and you then would stop, have a good laugh....just before someone could bang into you full force on the side. Bumper cars. Mayeb Osmama and Bush should get into bumper cars and ram into each other a few times...see what that brings. What was that? More war you say? No, no of course not...accually....i beleive we would have to strangers acting as brothers. This is the personal effect that I get from playing these games

Thursday, October 21, 2004

a scottish man teaching art

My science do I explain it?'s a little bit like a 65 year old scottish farmer teaching an art class. Absolutly hysterical...but after awhile you just start to miss the point and are lost in a string of accents are hillarious hand gestures. Tools and method...well...what can you expect from a class with that sort of name...(no there is absolutly nothing sexual about that class and even though your brain may be tempted to wander off into dirty thoughts stay with me for a second). It is a branch of from physics pretty's an excuse for more homework. YUCK!...thats all i need more of the HW...Sounds like some kind of really stupid drug..."Hey dude....i have have he got the money?" I have to remind myself to return my friend James's movie to him...Robin Williams live on Broadway...which by the way i highly suggest you pick up eventually....freakin' hysterical... the opening line of "OH YES MY LITTLE SALMON HEADED FRIEND!" sets the mood i must say.

Tuesday, October 12, 2004


I have a little something. At one point during the movie The Breakfast Club, Bender is running thorugh the hall screaming what me and my friends thought was "I wanna be an airforce ranger." But no...if you watch the movie with captions(you should if your a fan of the'd be surprised at all the things you've missed)you'll see that this is the whole song Airborne Ranger

I wanna be an airborne ranger
I wanna be an airborne ranger
Before the day I die
There are five things I wanna ride
Rifle, lifeboat, automobile
Virgin's mother and a ferris wheel
I wanna be an airborne ranger
I wanna be an airborne ranger

If this a shorter version of a real song could someone tell me the whole song...or if anyone has links to anything fun about The Breakfast Club just post it on comments please. Thanks. :)

Monday, October 11, 2004

Summer memories...

This summer I spent a few weekends at my dear friend, Kayla's country place. One night we slept in the tent...(that we could barely sqeeze ourselves in) and after eating a half a bag of spicy doritoes and a full bottle of coke...we began to take crazy pictures of ourselves...rather..she took pictures of me acting like the nut that i am...

This had been my display picture on msn for the longest time..."What is it?" everyone asked me..."What do you think?" I would ask...amung the answers i received...a nun...a ghost...Santa Clause crack..*Sigh* no one guessed rapped up in a white blanket!!

I think I was falling over at the time of this picture...i seem to remember hitting the battery pack

Guess Who?

Lol....i did this quite awhile ago...but hell...its still funny everytime i see it...for those of you who know me....GUESS WHO?!?!?!

100 questions...about...

I havn't recieved one of these for months. lol. I love these....they're like self reflection sheets handed out by the guidance councler or something. Except they're more fun to answer when you know that know one is going to LEGALLY label you as here we go...

*(By the way, this was sent by if it's wierd sounding you know why....)

100 QuestionsPlease fill it out too and send it back!!! Okay, you all know the routine...copy (not forward) this email and paste it onto a new email that you will send. Change all the answers so that they apply to you, then send this to a whole bunch of people you know INCLUDING the person who sent it to you. The theory is that you will learn a lot of little facts about your friends. Here I go.

1. Full name: Natasha Yorski
2. Nicknames: Nat, Tasha, Titasha, Natashama, Nitushku, Natty-Bum, Atasa, Stupid, Retard, etc.
3.Eyes: brown (forthe most part, but they change according to my mood...for example they turn orangy when I'm sad)
4. Height:5"8 or 5"9
5. Hair: Brown but I tend to turn it red or range
6. Siblings: alex=13, Helen=11, Sofia=9, John=6 Steven=4, Dianna=1...yes, i know its alot!!
7. Do u like to sing in the shower?: Of course, who doesn't
8. Do u like to sing on the toilet?: no...that's not to my liking.
9. Birthday: February 19
10. Sign: I'm born on the line of Aquarius and Pices...but i consider myself a pises
11.Month: feb...i said that
12.Hour: 5:45 in the morning
13. Address: for the sack of not being stalked or something to that effect....i'd rather not say
14. Sex: depends with
15. Righty or lefty?: righty
16. What do you want in a relationship most?: who said i wanted one....? i suppose....uh....I suppose someone who could handle me...
17. Have you ever cheated on someone?: Nope...cause I wouldn't want 'em doing that to me
18. Martial status?: Single
19. Do you have a car?: I wish
20. What kind of car do you have/want?: A red convertable (preferably jaguar)

21. Movies?: Breakfast Club, Lord of the Rings, The matrix, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Ever After, When Harry Met Sally....damn the list goes on and on and on
22. Songs?: Unchained melody,
23. TV Show?: Undergrads, Mision Hill, Spongebob, pimp my ride(I got a millon of them)
24. Actor?: For looks it would be orlando accual acting it would be Billy Crystal cause I always always want to laugh when he's on.. screen....or maybe polly shore...just because he makes me want to live life like he does...or Hugh Grant cause i love british humour...meh...i dunno...
25. Actress?: Julia Roberts maybe...or Michelle Phiffer or Whoppie Goldburg...or..damn it...i can't decide
26. Food?: Mexican for sure!!!
27. Cartoon?: show? I suppose it would be the one with the irish pig....
28.Disney Character?: between Sebastien the crab and Genie i ca't decide
29. Web site?:
30. Colors?: red and silver

31. Do you plan on having children?: not planning but who knows
32. Do you want to get married?: i dont think so but we'll see
33. How old do u want to be when you have your first child?: i guess 25 or 27
34. How old do u want to be when you’re married?: 24-25
35. Would you have kids before marriage?: absolutly not no way in hell
36. Do you have a b/f or g/f?:
37. Do you have a crush?: ya....i guess...a crush...
38. Music/TV?: Music
39. Guys/Girls?: GUYS
40. Green/Blue?: Blue
41. Pink/Purple?: Purple
42. Summer/Winter?: Winter
43. Night/Day?: Night
44. Hangin Out/Chillin?: Hangin
46. Weird saying I have?: "Talk to the elbow cause your face isn't worth the extention." or "I'm a coconut"
47. What school do u go to?: Marymount Academy
48. Have you ever taken drugs?: only perscription
49. What's a major turn on for you?: Intellegiance and an ability to look someone in the eye when they're in a conversation

50.The PERSON you know who is...
Most Blonde: Ashley
Best Person: All my friends are the best people they all have their bad and good points
Nicest: Kar Ling
Funniest: Funny stupid? or Funny as in making random jokes...cause they're all funny!!! see I would like to say Kayla...but when Kayla gets really mad, she gets really mad which sort of outweighs the happiness....but I'm goin to say her anyway....her or James
Strangest: KAYLA!!!
Most Caring: about what?....i guess....tina...
Tallest: Seb
Smartest: Mark
Best Personality: nobody...they're all great
Best All Around Person: me!!! (not that I'm round or anything) muahahaha...I am so gonna get my ass kicked when people read this lol...

51. Which 4 people are you the most open and can trust?: ashley, kayla, mark and tina
52. What do you think of soul mates?: i don't know...if they exsist then i havnt met mine yet
53. Is it right to flirt if you have a bf/gf?: if you can't help its just your personnality...then its not really your fault...but i don't think that its right.
54. Type of gf/bf u want?: Some one who is able yo make me laugh, can tell when I'm upset, would do anything for me.
55. What was the last thing u cried about?: i can't remember...i think i embaressed myself really bad in front of friends....
56. What's something about guys/girls you don't get?: Why they always want to act so tough and cool...and act like they dont want a girl when they do just because of their friends...who gives a shit???
57. Are you happy?: generaly
58. Why?: i count my blessings
60. Love or lust?: love
61. Silver or gold?: silver
62. Diamond or pearl?: diamond
63. Sunset or sunrise?: sunset
64. Have you ever gone skinny-dipping?: lol...ya...
65. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?: ya...but in the end they usually end up on the floor
66. Do you have any piercings?: ya..ears
67. What color pants are you wearing now?: dark blue track pants
68. What are you listening to right now?: I'm ready by Brian Adams just finished and Dreaming......
69. What are the last four digits of your phone number?: 9580
70. Where would you want to go on your honeymoon?: I'd want to go to his ethnic-background country and then go to Greece
71. Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with?: All my friends right closest ones..
72. What's your favorite sport(s)?: Calvin ball....(WOOHOO)...
73. What's the next cd/s you're going to get/buy?: The O.C. season one
74. Do u wear contacts or glasses?: nope...
75. What's the best advice given to you?: Nat....I'm going to tell you something that I hope you value ok? goes....ahhhh shit...i lost it....ok...i got new advice for you...never ramble on and on to someone because you don't think they'll listen to you...just get to the freakin point...(Hey...I never said I followed it)
76. Have u ever won any special awards?: Citizen ship the fuck did i get that?
77. What are your future goals?: winning at least 1 oscar, directing at leats 3 movies and staring in at least 1
78. Worst fear u have?: randomly losing all my friends
79. Do u like funny or scary movies better?: funny
80. Books or Tv? Books...
81. Burning or Buying CDs? don't get pretty pictures when you burn
82. On the phone or in person?:in person
83. Hugs or Kisses?: ooo I love both
84. What song seems to remind you of yourself the most?: I'm coming up....or...I still havn't found what I'm looking for-U2
85. If you die tomorrow who would u leave everything u own to?: lol....i'd love to see who would fight over my i guess id let my family distribute it amung each other...but all my diaries would go to ashley...(my memory box in general accually)
86. Do u have any enemies?: not that i know of...
87. What is the worst sickness you've ever had?: Amnesia after i hit my head...i still can't remember what happened that day
88. Would you rather be rich or famous?: let me put it this way....i read in a comic strip this...I'd rather be famous...because when your famous you usually gte money, but when your just rich you have to do something to be's like screaming "YOOOWHOOOO look at me I'm rich...can i be famous too?"...So I'd rather be famous...
89. What time is it in Albania now?: where the hell is Albania?
90. Have you ever been in love?: sux
91. Have you met Santa?: Ya....I grade 9 I took a picture with him..
92. If E.T. knocked on your door holding up a peace sign asking to use your phone what would you do?: I would look to see if anyone was looking and ring my phone out side to him...I wouldnt trust him in my house...
93. If you landed on a deserted island what would be the first thing that you would do? Check if it's really deserted and then take a nice long nap...
94. You have any pets?: besides my siblings? nope....well....we're about to get a turtle...
95. You an alcoholic?: no
96. Who sent this to you?: jaque
97. Favorite type of music?: I like a variety of music
98. Favorite chocolate bar?: caramel thick
99. If u could change something about your body what would it be?: ears......shrink 'em down a bit
100. Do u want your friends to write back?: welll....i spent a good part of an hour on this...but since this is a blog...who really gives a shit?

Sunday, October 10, 2004

This is what my bed looked like a few months ago. Or at least the head of it..

My very bullitin board. Who knows whats on their anymore.

My bamboo curtains....originaly, the life expectancy was 3 been almost a year and they are in perfect condition

My favorite T-Shirt in the whole world. From the 80s. It sits on my very pink wall (YUCK!!!)

Friday, October 08, 2004

Don Qui-Shut?

Today's play, I must say, was an improvment on all those that I've had to see in all of my years in highschool (including the one about the pirates who sail to an island where everyone has red noses *gasp* what devil worship is this?). L'homme de la Mancha is about the guy who wrote Don Chihotte. (excuse the spelling...but yuo got the gist) Basically the general plot line is about a man who is thrown in prison and tells the story about a man who is crazy. He thinks he's a knight and thinks an inn is a castle and a prostitute is a princess. *sigh* The makings of a Disney movie don't you think? Anyway, the man continues to tell the story to the other people he's in prison with, casting all of them as people in his story. As he drifts in and out of the story he is telling, you sort of wonder what the moral is after awhile. Finally at the end of the play within the play, the man is no longer crazy, then at the sight of the princess prostitute he is suddenly crazy again. I'm still trying to figure out if this is a happy ending or not. At any rate, it was a musical, and that's about the only thing I enjoyed.

Another major plus of my day, was my dear friend James who brought my, Baby got Back in different accents idea, to life. From Arnold Shwartsanager, to a Japenese Accent, to Donald Duck, he made me laugh so hard*. I accually laughed out loud on the bus to myself at the mere idea of him doing Donald Duck.

*In future I hope to have recordings of James singing this song in different accents!

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

SPRUNG (German Accent)

Ok, I'm not one for rap, but for those of you who know this song (and I'm assuming you all do) picture this song being sung in a german, russian or british accent. It's histerical...I'm telling you...if you don't have an imagination then close your door, make sure your alone (or if you like making a spectical of yourself then go all out and do it in front of as many people as you want) and sing it in the accent of yourself. You will giggle to yourself...

Oh, my God
Becky look at her butt
It is so big
She looks like one of those rap guys girlfriends
Who understand those rap guy
They only talk to her cause she looks like a total prostitute
I mean it's so big
I can't beleive it's so brown
It's like out there
I mean...gross
look she's just so

I like big butts and I cannot lie
You other brothers can't deny
And when a girl walks in with an itty bitty waste
And a round thing in your face
You get SPRUNG
Wanna pull out your tongue...

You can't tell me that this in't funny

Saturday, October 02, 2004

Adventures in Stratford

Have you ever noticed that old people fit under two categories? The first one is "Old-farts-who hate-everyone" and "Old-friendly-grandparent-types-who-love-anything-that-lives". My observations come from the quiet town of Stratford, Ontario. What happens when you put about 40 big city kids in a town that take you 10 minutes to walk from one side to the other? Let me tell you it was fun. A breif discription of the highlights of the trip would be.
  1. The swan that tried to eat the duck!
  2. The hot tub (need i say more *wink wink*)
  3. Fooze ball table and the stollen balls (go against the system!!)
  4. Kristen's suprise party and the crown from the Chinese Restaruant
  5. South Park at 1 in the morning
  6. Tea at 5-6 in the morning
  7. Teachers sleeping in the hallway on little cots
  8. "What a wonderful World!" kareoke song where James upstaged Seb.
  9. Stealing Mira, Jono and Mark's chips
  10. Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Gelato
  11. Mind bending puzzle's in the toy shop
  12. The educational science toy store and the Pig
  13. The Shit food at the hotel
  14. Macbeth and the cold theatre hpuse where everyone seemed to be flirting with everyone else
  15. The guy in the Pink pants. lol. They ripped. LMAO
  16. The old women who tried to slap Andrei


*sigh* The lsit goes on i suppose i could continue it but i am much to tired for that now so bubye