Dancing in the moonlight
Wearing my rainbow shoes
Eating dried up broccoli
And Singing old time blues
Talking on a banana phone
Drinking maple tea
Listening to the the Beatles
Conversing with a bee
Dancing in the moonlight
Today I spent the day at an amusment park. It's amazing what you can learn at La Ronde, by just listening to other people talk, observing them or even just reading the graffetti on the walls. For example, today we went to the bumper cars after an unfortinute event made us all back away from the roller coasters and after sitting down in my bumper car I looked around...(acually its more of a chair since it's a one person thing) everyone was sitting in these chairs, antispating when the worker would flick on the power and let us glide. After a quick check around to check that all seat belts were on, he flicked on the switch. Everyone's firts though was "ok...now how do I get this thing under control?" It didn't take long for everyone to figure it out and soon enough we were all pushing, shoving, bumping and knocking each other around. And although such violent actions were being portraied I doubt very much that anyone there was having a horrible time. You could ram yourself fullspeed intoa stranger and you then would stop, have a good laugh....just before someone could bang into you full force on the side. Bumper cars. Mayeb Osmama and Bush should get into bumper cars and ram into each other a few times...see what that brings. What was that? More war you say? No, no of course not...accually....i beleive we would have to strangers acting as brothers. This is the personal effect that I get from playing these games
My science class...how do I explain it? Well...it's a little bit like a 65 year old scottish farmer teaching an art class. Absolutly hysterical...but after awhile you just start to miss the point and are lost in a string of accents are hillarious hand gestures. Tools and method...well...what can you expect from a class with that sort of name...(no there is absolutly nothing sexual about that class and even though your brain may be tempted to wander off into dirty thoughts stay with me for a second). It is a branch of from physics pretty much...it's an excuse for more homework. YUCK!...thats all i need more of the HW...Sounds like some kind of really stupid drug..."Hey dude....i have have he HW....you got the money?" I have to remind myself to return my friend James's movie to him...Robin Williams live on Broadway...which by the way i highly suggest you pick up eventually....freakin' hysterical... the opening line of "OH YES MY LITTLE SALMON HEADED FRIEND!" sets the mood i must say.
I have a little something. At one point during the movie The Breakfast Club, Bender is running thorugh the hall screaming what me and my friends thought was "I wanna be an airforce ranger." But no...if you watch the movie with captions(you should if your a fan of the movie..lol...you'd be surprised at all the things you've missed)you'll see that this is the whole song Airborne Ranger
This summer I spent a few weekends at my dear friend, Kayla's country place. One night we slept in the tent...(that we could barely sqeeze ourselves in) and after eating a half a bag of spicy doritoes and a full bottle of coke...we began to take crazy pictures of ourselves...rather..she took pictures of me acting like the nut that i am...
I havn't recieved one of these for months. lol. I love these....they're like self reflection sheets handed out by the guidance councler or something. Except they're more fun to answer when you know that know one is going to LEGALLY label you as crazy...ok...so here we go...
Today's play, I must say, was an improvment on all those that I've had to see in all of my years in highschool (including the one about the pirates who sail to an island where everyone has red noses *gasp* what devil worship is this?). L'homme de la Mancha is about the guy who wrote Don Chihotte. (excuse the spelling...but yuo got the gist) Basically the general plot line is about a man who is thrown in prison and tells the story about a man who is crazy. He thinks he's a knight and thinks an inn is a castle and a prostitute is a princess. *sigh* The makings of a Disney movie don't you think? Anyway, the man continues to tell the story to the other people he's in prison with, casting all of them as people in his story. As he drifts in and out of the story he is telling, you sort of wonder what the moral is after awhile. Finally at the end of the play within the play, the man is no longer crazy, then at the sight of the princess prostitute he is suddenly crazy again. I'm still trying to figure out if this is a happy ending or not. At any rate, it was a musical, and that's about the only thing I enjoyed.
Ok, I'm not one for rap, but for those of you who know this song (and I'm assuming you all do) picture this song being sung in a german, russian or british accent. It's histerical...I'm telling you...if you don't have an imagination then close your door, make sure your alone (or if you like making a spectical of yourself then go all out and do it in front of as many people as you want) and sing it in the accent of yourself. You will giggle to yourself...
Have you ever noticed that old people fit under two categories? The first one is "Old-farts-who hate-everyone" and "Old-friendly-grandparent-types-who-love-anything-that-lives". My observations come from the quiet town of Stratford, Ontario. What happens when you put about 40 big city kids in a town that take you 10 minutes to walk from one side to the other? Let me tell you it was fun. A breif discription of the highlights of the trip would be.
*sigh* The lsit goes on i suppose i could continue it but i am much to tired for that now so bubye