'Member 'dis shyt?
Production will be the death of me yet. There is no doubt in my head that these 14 hour days and toxic fumes will eventually get to me...It's midnight. I got home about 20 minutes ago. Why am i writing. As my dear friend Jems put it, I suddenly had a random urge to write something for no particular reason with no specific purpose. I just feel like typing.
I'm in the mood for fast food. A really gross, deep fried hamburger with a massive pile of french fries and a nice pint of beer! You know those moods that you get in. A sort of a mellow mood and your really not sure why your in that rut. Or maybe you do know. Either way. You end up getting in a rut that, for a lack of a better term, can be catogorized as either "sadness/depression" or a type of despair. I'm leaning towards the latter. Mix in a little stress too. I think it's the extra hormones running through my system, the caffiene pills and the 14 hour days and the partying after. I can see you now..."Don't give me that Nat. If you didn't want to party you wouldn't!" This is untrue. November is notorious for birthdays. With friends and family I have obligations. Partying for birthdays is one of them! It's gotten to the point where I don't even really have a lot of fun either. Not to mention I've run so low on cash that I'm accually clinging to pennies.