The Whole Shebang

Friday, August 25, 2006

Summer is coming to an end! Nooo...

Ok, so not only have I not written in a long long time, but I havn't accually written any of my own material in an even longer time. I'm not exactly sure why. I guess I either wasn't in the mood or if I was I wasn't near a computer. I also havn't really been inspired to post. I've had a 3 month "writers block" I guess. To be honest I'm not feeling particularily inspired, nor do I really have anything important to say. I'm just feeling creative and need to let it out somehow. Since I'm at my dear friend Kayla's house and she won't get off her ass to find the guitar tuner, I can't write a song. It's to late (or early...whatever the case may be!) to draw/cartoon. Writing (or typing...again, whatever the case may be!) seems to be the only outlet and frankly I'm just tired of hand writing...or maybe I'm to lazy. I'm to tired to really figure it out. Instead I'll ramble on about nothing in particular, perhaps do a little whining and in the end just sort of smile to myself and be proud that I posted something.

So summer is over. It's hard to tell if I'm accually happy or sad about it. I guess I'm dissapointed that my summer wasn't everything I would have liked it to be and that it feels like it was over before it began. Yet, at the same time I can't wait to get back into the swing of things and start hanging with all my cegep friends. Stupid cegep. Stupid Quebec government. Stupid them and their stupid ideas of cegep. I was at camp this past week and all my new found Ontario friends laughed at our "Quebec-oizzz" ways. I shrugged it off of course. I mean, whatever I have my fun right? Anyway, back to the point was on which was...uh...oh ya...back to school and chilling with people that I havn't seen on account of summer jobs, vacations and just general buissiness (i.e. Alex's rehursal's for the Rocky Horror Show). It's all just so's like the new school year snuck up behind our backs and let out a shrill scream just as I was sun bathing on the beach. Cruel. Just cruel. All week, I've been re-practicing my windsurfing. It's been about 2 years since I was last on. It's amazing. Letting the wind carry you across the lake through the waves is one of the best feelings ever! The second best feeling is when you know that you are in control. You know this when you accually chose to plunge off the board and into the water for a swim. The tempurature has also taken a plunge! One moment is was blazzing hot and the next I find myself wrapped up in a sleeping bag and layers and layers of sheets and blankets. Where have the days gone where I needed to have 3 fans pointed at my body in the middle of the night just to get through a night?