The Whole Shebang

Thursday, March 31, 2005

Meet me at the gingerbread twilight time...

I recently wrote a new song on the guitar. I decided to put it on my blog:

There is a field
I see it in my dreams
So far and wide
The flat lands keep going
There are tall trees
At the edge
So far in the distance
I can see

My gingerbread house
The one I’ve seen
In the back of my mind
In the back of my head
In the back of my heart
There’s a lollipop fence
Mint grass
Meet me there
Some night
Some time
We’ll be alone

There is a dream
As funny as it sounds
Metaphors and similes
Can’t cover
What I’ve seen
Though you may laugh
You’ll see
In my dreams
Is where
I meet you
Come see me And my gingerbread house

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Wille E. Cayote and I have a few things in common

Do remember Saturday morning cartoons. Yes, back in our prime when waking up at 6:00am was a must just to catch a cartoon flick of bears using their chests to propel love to their enemies, and/or a duck and a rabbit run away constantlt from a hunter with a lisp that makes him sound as though he's three years old. Well, at some points our hero's and/or their villains would have an episode or two where everything would go horribly wrong, with one event after another, to such a point that we would giggle uncontrolably. Today, I have experienced what Wille E. Cayote felt when he chased the road runner. The constant chain of horrible events that run along without stopping. Just when I'm feling the blow of one piece of news another comes barreling down out of the sky. The difference? I am not giggling. Now where do I find myself? Well, I am presently listening to Jennifer Love Hewitt sing about how she feels "Barenaked". Yes, I have found myself listening and swaying and crying along to the sickly pop-ish songs that my sister listens to. Have I really sunk so low?

Sunday, March 27, 2005


First of all I would like to begin by thanking Pat for being a prick and correcting my spelling. Means a lot to know that you care enough to go through my entire blog post.

Happy Easter tout le monde. I suppose you're asking yourself why I'm up so early (and if your not, pause for a moment and ask yourself...why AM I up so early?) is now the end of 40 days. I can practically feel each pound roll on to my stomach as I shovel chocolate after chocolate into my open mouth *Homer Simpson drool* Hey, you try not touching for chocolate for 40 days! I’m fucking proud of myself!. As I through the wrappers and empty boxes which once contained hollow chocolate Disney characters over my shoulder, I remember this past weekend up at the manoir…*fade in to a dream* wooo

Thursday, miki and cassie rolled by my house mid way through the oc. I was incredibly upset but I got a glimpse of trey so at least I know what he looks like :D I have mentioned it but I was going up to the manoir for 3 days because it was at retreat. Actually I was really going up to relax. I brought my guitar up there hoping to get a few hours of practice in. Cassie, Miki and I were shown to our rooms in the basement, in deep, dark, scary, corner of the house. *shudder* when a women from Argentina came to us and said it was a silent retreat I through a side wards glance at miki and cassie who seemed to be thinking the same thing “Lmao…like hell…it’s a silent retreat!” the second she left, the I pod was turned on (which was quite loud to the surprise of us all) and the Doritos were out. We talked and vented (cassie) until the wee hours of the night. I played guitar. I made up another song with miki about cassie...lmao...

I also decided that I'm buying the manoir and I know what all the rooms are going to be and everything...*sigh* I can't know..until I'm rich and famous! lol...

Sunday, March 20, 2005

siblings...they have their moments!

Becuase Kayla requested excitment I make this whole blog boring since when do I listen to what Kayla wants??? But as she is/was sick I suppose I can listen to her request...well...a few of you already know the story but bare with for the next paragraph or so:

A few days ago my parents decided to rent a few videos for my crazy siblings and pre-order the incredibles. When they returned with the movies: Daddy Day Care and A Cinderella Story (staring Hillary Duff as a "poor unfortinute" step daughter who has to work at a soda shop, with a cell phone and a room in the attic..screw you poor and unforinute) I cringed and barelled to my room. Of course my parents had to go out for some sort of meeting so I was left with the little monsters watching Daddy Day Care. Now my siblinga re very protective of the DVD remote. Like's their territory, but they'll rip each other apart for it if need be. Today was my 11 year old sister's turn to be "in power" as she cuddled up on the end of the sofa clutching the remote as though her life depended on it. She'd put on captions (to everyone's annoyance) but as she had the source of power what could we do about it. So we sat back and tryed to ignore the bright yellow writing popping on and off the bottom of the screen. Finally my 13 year old brother jumps up and in one swift flowing motion he snages the remote of my sister's hands. All hell broke loose. My sister throws her self off the couch and screams

"What the hell so you think your doing you SPUNGE DICK?!?!"
"What did you just call me???"
"You heard me."

I've never laughed harder at anything they have ever said...siblings...they have their moments!

Thursday, March 17, 2005

a break in the Road

easily one of the best links I've ever found on the net. Not funny I'll admitt ( unless you want to laugh at British people talking) but still so great! Maybe it's cause I'm crazy, maybe it's because i like technoi way to much for my own good. *shrugs* either way...

Sounds of the City

Monday, March 14, 2005

cassie's link

Cassie said I would laugh. I did. Here. You can laugh too.

Michael Jackson!

P.S. Dude...Cassie...this is like ome sick joke your playing with me isn't it. *sob* you know I love Michael Jackson...or at least the young black one from the 80s!

Nuts to poetry! lol

O, faithful night do not deceive
My heart aches and pains from the past
Wounds cut deeper then words received
I can feel his love so steadfast
I am not alone. Not this night.
The tongue knows when and what to convey
Eyes that look right into my soul
Ears that listen to what I have to say
His arms that know how to console

I am not alone. Not this night!

Saturday, March 12, 2005

i forgot these,,

I can't beleive I forgot to put in these two clips last night. I have to say that they're at the top of my funny list!!!

Lawful High

This is why you shouldnt hook up on the internet!

Friday, March 11, 2005

You can never have to much funny! (Part 1)

Well...all that shaking ass inspired me to find funny stuff on the internet. Sure, you may be saying to yourself that I'm putting to much "funny" into one blog post, but by God, I love this stuff:

Everyone has had more sex then this rabbit! The animation is great! The song is addictive! You'll be humming it soon after. Lmao

Platform Man: Ok...based loosly off of Mario, but so great. So funny. At least I think so. Sort of reminds me of Mark...there are 4 episodes so far. Apperently more are on their way. The episodes are so wierd you have his little intro, the green dinasaur, the cave and of course the hero's rap!

I almost feel sorry for this villain!

This is dedicated to Kyle!

Everyone knows the end of the one I've met has thought this wasnt good!

This is dedicated to Jems!

My brother loves this music on the fence...if he hadnt asked me i wouldnt have put it on my blog

This is dedicated to Mark!

Lmao...old but funny

Star Wars Rap

Bush is still stupid!

Lord of the rings Rap!

Dedicated to Seb

Backstreet Boy Cartoon

You kicked my Dog...the movie is not important...its the audio

Romeo and Juliette
More will follow if you havnt had enough!

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Ch-ch-ch-ech it out now!

I'll admitt that today was not the best day of my life. Although i found something that made it all the better. It happened while I was looking for Rube-Goldberg ideas on the net for the Ying-a-ling! No doubt my first reaction was the raise of an eyebrow, a few slight giggles, which of course came out to all out laghter. When i was all laughed out...i swayed tot he music!

Saturday, March 05, 2005

Operation Sci-Fi

I have never considered myself a true Sci-fi fan. I mean, sure I've always loved Star Wars and Star Trek has only been up on the list and you know Back to the Future is an instant classic (which I only recently found out was under the sci-fi genre) and well...I suppose I am one of those people who is not a full fledged Trekie, but'll always carry a special place in my heart. Honestly though, after watching all three Star Wars movies one after the other I love it all the more and appreciate them all the more.

Gotta love those Ewoks!